
First Step with Python ..-->> 001

# What is Python :-                                                                                                                                   
>> General Purpose Language and full object Oriented Programming Language
>> Portable, runs on almost every Operating System available Today
>> High Quality Apps can be rapidly developed and Maintained Easily

<Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language) >

# Programmer aspects from a Language : -                                                                                            
>> Dynamic and general Purpose
>> Easy to learn and remember
>> Readability and easier to maintain codes
>> High level Interpreted Language
>> Built-in documentation
>> high Quality modules
>> Easier to make your own modules
>> object oriented Programming Language
>> large set of Python Modules or Libraries

# Why you should learn Python :-                                                                                                        

# Primary Resource to learn about python :-                                                                                      
1.> https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide  # Beginners guide

2.> https://www.python.org/about/apps                  # choose popular python module according to your Interest.

3.> http://pypi.python.org/pypi                               # Python module index

# Getting started Python : -                                                                                                                       

## Installing on linux :-
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install python-numpy
sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
sudo apt-get install python-scipy
sudo apt-get install python-pillow
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
sudo apt-get install python-django

and so on..

## Installing on Windows :-
### Download and Install Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/

### Use Portable Python :- ( BEST )
>>> Personally, I like this Project Because of Large set of third party python libraries -
 NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, PyWin32, Django, PIL, wxPython, PyQt, PyGame, etc. code editors
- PyScripter and IDLE all packaged in a single installer.
- NumPy == Numerical python
- SciPy   == for scientific calculations
- Matplotlib == for graph plotting and many more cool stuff
- PyWin32  == Python script to exe
- Django    == Python based popular Web FrameWork
- PIL           == Python imaging Library
- wxPython  == GUI apps development using python
- PyGame  == Rapid Game Developement using python
- IDLE  == Interactive IDE for Python
- PyQt == GUI Framework for Python based UPON Qt
- Tkinter == GUI Framework

>>> So you do not need to Install Python Again and Again, Install Python to USB drive and take it anywhere you want.

## Installing Python Modules :-                                                                                                                
### For Windows :-
>>> Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages

### For Linux :-
>>> You can use PIP or easy_install
for example :-
sudo pip install numpy
sudo pip install pandas

>>> OR use your system package manager
for example for Ubuntu( Debian based)
sudo apt-get install python-numpy
sudo apt-get install python-mmtk

## Interactive Python :-


## IDE for Python :-
    PyDev for eclipse

or You can use:
    Notepad itself.

# Online Python Interpreters :-                                                                                                                  
1.> http://www.compileonline.com/execute_python_online.php
2.> https://www.learnstreet.com/lessons/study/python
3.> http://www.pythonanywhere.com/
4.> http://repl.it/languages/Python    

## Books You Must read, and Recommended Books for Python:-                                                          
1:: A Byte of Python ( C. Swaroop )
2:: Learn Python the hard way ( Zad A. Shaw)
3:: Building Skills in Python ( Steven F. Lott )
4:: Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame  ( Will McGugan )
5:: Making use of Python ( R. gupta )
6:: The Definitive Guide to Jython - Python for the Java Platform 
( Josh Juneau, Jim Baker, Victor Ng, Leo Soto, Frank Wierzbicki )
7:: Programming Computer vision with Python :: ( Jan Erik Solem )
8::  Mysql for Python ( Albert Lukaszewski )
9:: Python Pocket Refrence ( Mark Lutz )
10:: Natural Language Processing with Python
( Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper ) 
11:: Begining Python ( James Payne )
12:: A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
( Hans Petter Langtangen ) 
13:: Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt
( Mark Summerfield )
14:: Python Web Development with Django®
( Jeff Forcier, Paul Bissex, Wesley Chun )
15:: Matplotlib for Python Developers
( Sandro Tosi )
16:: Head First Python  ( Paul Barry )
17:: Tkinter Refrence :: A GUI for Python ( John W. Shipman )
18:: Gray hat Python ( Justin Seitz )
19:: Core Python Programming ( y Wesley J. Chun )
20:: Fundamentals of Python 
( MartinKenneth A. LambertOsborne )
